Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Quick Report From Our DR Team

Greetings from Santo Domingo-

Happy Valentine's Day!  We swam in the waterfall on Sunday afternoon
and yesterday Collin and I rode on the back of the flatbed through
town.  It was more fun than the van.  We completed two distributions
so far.  One was very orderly and one was in a community park and was
chaos.  We almost packed it in and left because the parents were being
so aggressive.  God intervened as did our threats to leave and we
ended up doing a conga line distribution model.  Get a box and go
home.  Not the best situation.  Thankfully, it was the second of the
day and not the first.

Last night we counted out the antibiotics into doses and labeled them
for the doctor.  It was interesting and tedious.  Not the most
sanitary situation either even though we tried.  Our hands were clean
but who know about those used pill bottles...we were filling.

We are looking forward to the pig roast on Friday and of course more
shoe boxes.  Collin and Addisan are going to the school today to help
Claudia with vision testing and then they will help teach english.

See you next week.


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