Thursday, May 31, 2012

The People That Make Our Church Great - Part 2

This is Part 2 of a series of posts I'm writing about the people that make our church great.  In Part 1 I talked about the folks that make Sunday mornings possible.  In this post I want to talk about some of the people and teams that work behind the scenes to lead our church strategically and administratively.

  • The Administrative Council oversees much of the administrative side of the church.  This team oversees and reports on our church's finances, prepares our annual budget, ensures the property and buildings are maintained and keeps our personnel policies up-to-date.  Over the last few years this team has worked very hard to up date our policies and create procedures designed to protect the church and allow for transparency.  I have the pleasure of working closely with this team and they make things that are difficult for me (crunching numbers) look easy.
  • Our Alignment Team has an unusual name for a church team but the name fits its role.  The AT's responsibility is to make sure the church stays aligned with its mission, core values, doctrines and strategic objectives.  The Alignment Team has the wonderful and sometimes difficult job of keeping the "big picture" of the church in view.  By big picture I mean they seek to know where the church is and where it needs to be at any given time.  Forward motion is a key part of a healthy church and the AT makes sure that FCBC is steadily moving forward.
  • The Family Ministry Team is a new team and has only been working together for a few months.  While we're still figuring out all the the roles and responsibilities of the FMT we do anticipate this being a "big picture" team as well.  In the past we had a children's ministry team and a youth ministry team.  Both teams led their areas of ministry in silos.  When we created the FMT we brought together leadership from our Kid and Student Ministries to work together strategically with the same goal in mind:  to partner with parents to help them build faith in their children.
  • The Pastor Advisory Team is a team of four people who I meet with every three months.  They serve as a sounding board for me as I seek to lead the church and staff.  They ask great questions about my ideas or potential decisions and always provide good, candid feedback and wisdom. The team is made up of people who will tell me what I need to hear not what I want to hear.  In many ways I view them as my supervisor.  The team also helps me gauge the pace of change in the church and helps me keep check on my personal physical, relational and spiritual health.
  • Our church Trustees are the legal arm of the church.  In Virginia they are appointed by the church and approved by the circuit court.  They deal with any legal matters including purchasing or selling property, long-term contracts or leases and insurance and liability issues.  Typically the Trustees are not called on very often but when they are their work is very important.
I so thankful for each of these teams and for every person that serves on them.  These folks work very hard all year to make sure our church is protected, that our staff has what they need, and that our church and ministries are moving forward in a positive direction.  Without them leading us from behind the scenes most of what we do as a church would grind to a halt.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The People That Make Our Church Great - Part 1

I love our church.  I think it's an amazing place to serve, grow, connect and be in community.  But the fact is we couldn't do church with out the dedication of so many leaders and volunteers.  Over the next few weeks I want to point out the many groups and people that make the ministries of FCBC, not only possible, but actually great.  Each group is an important part of our mission to develop devoted followers of Christ.

This week I'll start with the folks that make Sunday mornings possible.

Hospitality Team
– This team consist of several smaller teams.
  • The Refreshment Team are the folks that set up the coffee and snacks and then clean it all up after worship. They are an important part of our Sunday morning hospitality and are behind the scenes folks that do what they do with amazing hearts.  I love how they pay attention to details, try new things and really seem to enjoy what they do.  And whoever came up with the idea to serve OJ and milk is a genius.  We get an enormous amount of positive feedback about this aspect of our Sunday morning experience. 
  • Our greeters also play a big part in our hospitality.  They are some of the first people that guests and regulars attenders meet on Sundays and their smiles, handshakes and assistance set the stage for many people’s worship experience.  They also are great at remembering people’s names and have helped me with that on many occasions.  I don’t plan to mention individual names here but one person has to be mentioned - Ray Pettus has been serving as a greeter for at least 15 years; in fact there were times when she was the only greeter we had.  Thanks Ray!
  • Ushers are more than just the folks that take up the offering and hand out bulletins - although those are important roles and they do them well.  But they also assist people in finding where they need to go.  They help parents find our Kid's Ministry and nurseries.  And they help folks find a seat when things get crowded.  Ushers also provide a level of security for our building.  Once the service is underway they lock doors and check on the Kid's Ministry areas.
Kid's Ministry Leaders - Our Kid's Ministry is vital to our church and to our Sunday mornings.  The leaders there provide our kids with love, encouragement, Biblical teaching, and a ton of fun.  They also make it possible for parents to attend worship, fellowship with others and experience Biblical teaching themselves without distractions.  As a Pastor and as a parent I'm so thankful for the folks who serve in this ministry week after week.  I'm also thankful for the middle and high school students who faithfully serve in this ministry and that we have adult leaders who recognize the opportunity for our students to grow through serving.

Worship Techs - Our worship techs are another group that faithfully serve behind the scenes.  They make it possible for our worship team to lead us through music and for others and myself to teach scripture.  It's a difficult thing to not get drawn into the songs, music and teaching during the worship service but each person in this ministry is great at staying focused on what they are doing.  Even when we have problems with our mics, sound system and video system the team remains calm and focused and solve the problems. 

Vocals and Instrumentalists - Worship would not be worship with our music and the music at FCBC is great!  The folks who sing and play instruments meet every week for a couple of hours to practice and prepare for Sunday morning and to learn new songs to teach us.  The amount of musical talent that we have a FCBC is rare for a church our size.  I also appreciate the fact that this is an area where we have students serving and adults who are helping them grow.  It's also important to know that this team prays together each Wednesday as a part of their preparation to lead.

Thanks to everyone who serves on Sunday mornings.  Without your dedication we could not do what we do and could not reach our mission.