Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Lessons in the Rain

Andrew (my nine year old) and I were driving to church this past Sunday. It was pouring rain and he became very concerned about a flood. In those situations, he almost always recognizes, without my prompting, that it's time to pray - so he did.

When we arrived at church we discovered that part of our building was taking on some water. At that point Andrew got really scared that we really were going to have a flood. He started to panic a little more. So I asked him about his prayer and if when he asked God to protect us from the rain, did he really believe God would do that? He said he did. I pointed out that at that moment he was not acting like he believed God. He got the point.

My question for myself and for anyone reading is "Do you get the point?"

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Stop. Be Quiet. Make a Connection

This past Sunday in worship we talked about how to "Stop and Refuel" our spiritual lives. Six simple words, "Stop. Be quiet. Make a connection."

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

What I Learned This Week

Our church, working through several local agencies and faith-based groups, served some of the homeless in our county this week by providing shelter and meals for nine days. Here are some of the things I learned this week.

I learned...

...we have an awesome church who loves and cares for one another.

...God is teaching us to be a church that cares about those on the outside, especially "the least of these."

...when you let volunteers loose and they are passionate about what they are doing and allow God to guide them, you create an unstoppable force.

...from watching some of our volunteers that sleep is optional (way to go 4:00-8:00am shift.)

...that God has provided this church with some incredibly talented people and giving people.

...that some homeless really prefer that, while others are hard working people who are just victims of a broken world.

...that some in corporate America are willing to partner with churches to make a difference in our world.

...that because God loves everyone, so must I.

...that when people serve others out of true compassion and love that can only come from God in their lives, they are changed in significant ways and will never be the same again.

Thanks to 85+ volunteers who made HRW possible.