Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Make Me Clean

I was reading in Matthew 8 this morning. The first story is a very short one about a guy with leprosy. Jesus heals him.

I've read or heard the story probably a hundred times. But this time something jumped out at me. The man said to Jesus "Lord make me clean." He could have said anything else; "make be better," "heal me," etc. But he said "make me clean."

I think the man wanted more than just to be healed physically. I think he wanted to be restored back into community and into his relationships. Having leprosy meant total isolation from family, friends, work, home, church - everything. I think he wanted to be restored physically, spiritually, relationally, and emotionally.

It occurred to me that we don't pray this prayer today. I think we should. I think we should want total restoration in our lives. Restoration, not just with God, but with our spouse, children, friends, co-workers, people we serve in ministry with or go to small group with, people we disagree with, people who are different from us - everyone.

I think all of that is wrapped up in "Lord make me clean."