Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sunday's Game

Sunday's game between the Redskins and the Cowboys was a great one to watch. I was watching it while doing some work on the outside of my house. I kept hearing yells and chants from my neighbors - all Redskins fans. I kept quiet since I was pulling for the Cowboys.

Here's a pic of a banner our church puts up every year before the big game. It has really caught the attention of people in the DC Metro area. It's been mentioned on a call-in radio show as well as on Facebooks Redskins Fan Club.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Make It Count Momets

I'm really loving the book "One Month to Live." The questions from today's chapters are questions that I think everyone should ask themselves everyday. So I thought I would share them.

  • If you only had a month to live, whom would you want to spend the time with?
  • Whom would you need to apologize to?
  • Who needs to be assured today that you love them?
  • What keeps you from spending the time and saying these words now?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Things To Come

Really excited about some of the things that are coming up at FCBC and on the home front. Here's a few that really get me going:

-Our small group is cranking back up after the summer slump. I love small group.

-We're launching two new small groups. Can't wait to see what happens there.

-Two months away from Operation Christmas Child. OCC is one of my favorite things our church does all year.

-Andrew and I are dong the Marine Corp Marathon One-Miler in Oct. He's already started training. He's never done a running event in his life. Should be great learning for both of us.

-We're starting to work on a church campaign that we will do in the New Year. It's based on the book "Dangerous Surrender" by Kay Warren. One of our small groups will be test running it in Dec. I think it's going to be an amazing time in our church.

-Our youth team met last night at my house. They are an amazing group of people and it's exciting to see some of the things they are working on. Some of the things they are working on seem pretty risky and God-sized to me. Can't wait to see how our youth lead our church this coming year.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Staff Meeting

I always look forward to Wednesday's staff meeting. It's just a great time to bring everyone around the table and plan and pray together.

Today's staff meeting seemed like it was going to be difficult. I've been fighting a cold since Sunday and just didn't feel well. Some of the other staff were either not feeling well or had already had some rough spots in their day.

Things changed when Brian, our Youth Pastor, arrived and began to lead us in a debriefing of Sunday's Back to School Bonanza. Before we knew it we were talking about the positives, sharing stories from the event and passing on the great feedback that each of us got from of our guests. Our guest, by the way, were blown away by our church's generosity.

I'm thankful for a church that has an "inner awareness and an outward focus." I'm thankful for a staff, that even on tough days can figure out a way to celebrate what God is doing. And I'm thankful that God knows all of our needs and will meet them.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Sometimes my kids really surprise me. Last year Abbey would not go near the climbing wall. This year she wanted to do it. The guy running it told her he thought she was too small, that the harness would not fit. She told him, "I just turn five so I am big enough."

About an hour and five tries later, she made it to the top without any help.

Back to School Bonanza

Sunday was our Back to School Bonanza. It's a community event we do every year. It's our way of saying to the community we are a church that's about more than ourselves. It's basically a big carnival with moonbounces, a rock climbing wall, food and games and prizes. All free and designed for people outside of our church.

This year we had somewhere around 150 guests show up and around 70 volunteers from our church making it all happen. I saw a lot of our folks engaging in coversations with folks from the community, which is one of the main goals of this event.

I want to thank everyone who volunteered to help make it a success. Can't wait to see what God does with some of the connections that were made.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Life Regrets

A great quote from "One Month to Live":

Somebody should tell us, right at the start of our lives, that we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit, every minute of every day. Do it I say! Whatever you want to do, do it now! There are only so many tomorrows. - Pope Paul VI

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Being Attractive Without Having to Look Good - part 3

Today, in worship, we talked about the number two most needed spiritual fruit - self-control. Great feedback this morning. I received a comment today from someone who said they appreciated the fact that I was willing to put my own struggles out there. Most of the time, I'm learning right along with the rest of the church.

Next week we will wrap up this series with the #1 most need fruit of the Spirit - patience. So here's my question? Feel free to answer or be prepared to answer Sunday. What are some “impatience triggers” in your life?

Here's my short list:
-When I'm stuck in traffic and I'm late.
-Waiting in lines.
-People who don't do what they say they will do.
-Having to redo something.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

One Month to Live

I hope the title of the post didn't freak anyone out. I'm not dying (that I know of.)

I started a new book that I'm reading each morning for the next 30 days. The title is "One Month to Live: Thirty Days to a No-Regrets Life" by Kerry & Chris Shook.

I just started it today so I'm sure a lot of my AM posts will include stuff I'm reading and learning. Each day ends with a few questions to help me begin to focus my life toward no-regrets.

Today, I was challenged to tell someone that I am reading the book and ask that person to circle on the calendar the date for one month from today and to ask me how my life was changed in the month.

Because I want my life to be more of an open book, I'm sharing that info here. The date is October 2. If I forget to post an answer to the question someone please remind me.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Day of School

I always loved the first day of school when I was a kid. I didn't sleep much the night before from the excitement. One of the great things about being a parent is getting to have a similar experience with my kids.

Andrew was really excited today, which was an answer to prayer considering how bummed out he was about his class at open house. Abbey had not really grasped the reality of going to the "big kid school" and being one of those big kids. When we walked through the doors, with the crowd and chaos, reality set in.

She did really well but she held my hand very tightly, which for those who don't know her, she's very independent and usually doesn't want to hold my hand at all.

As I was walking home I was praying for both of them and that God would protect them and allow them to have great days. As I walked and prayed it occurred to me to thank God for allowing us to live in such a great place as N. VA. and to have the benefits of some of the best schools in the country. I also asked God to help us not take that for granted and to help all of our family to use what He has given us for his glory.