Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Lessons in the Rain

Andrew (my nine year old) and I were driving to church this past Sunday. It was pouring rain and he became very concerned about a flood. In those situations, he almost always recognizes, without my prompting, that it's time to pray - so he did.

When we arrived at church we discovered that part of our building was taking on some water. At that point Andrew got really scared that we really were going to have a flood. He started to panic a little more. So I asked him about his prayer and if when he asked God to protect us from the rain, did he really believe God would do that? He said he did. I pointed out that at that moment he was not acting like he believed God. He got the point.

My question for myself and for anyone reading is "Do you get the point?"

1 comment:

Don't be Swindle! said...

hmm, another theme similar to 'spoken value versus shared value'?