Friday, June 25, 2010

Change of Pace + Change of Place = Change of Perspective

As I write this, my children, and many of yours are finishing their last hour of school for the year. Summer is finally here. It seems like this was a particularly long school year. But now it’s time to slow the pace for a couple of months.

I have a friend who’s a pastor. He has an equation that he uses in his personal life. It goes like this: change of pace + change of place = change of perspective. It’s a formula that I’ve used myself to evaluate where I am and how I’m doing in life and what God has called me to do and be.

As we head into summer, this is a great time to put this equation into play in our lives. Most of us will get away in some way this summer; a week’s vacation, a weekend get away, time off from work at home, a mission trip, you name it. Let me encourage you to take those opportunities to look for a change of perspective in some area of your life.

Here’s a few questions that have helped me discover some life-changing lessons as I gained a new perspective. They might be helpful to you:

  • How am I doing spiritually? Am I growing the way I want or should? If not what needs to change? Do I need to add any spiritual habits to my life?
  • How are my relationships? Is there healthy communication? Do we have healthy disagreements? Is there a relationship that is missing that I need to pursue this year?
  • How is my work life? Do I find fulfillment in what I’m doing? Am I allowing God to use me at work?
  • How is my relationship with my church family? Am I serving out of my SHAPE? Is there a next step of commitment that I need to take?
  • How is my pace of life? Is it balanced? Do I need to slow down (do less)? Do I need to speed up (do more)?

A change of perspective may come with some challenges. I might have to give something up, or I might need to add something. It may challenge me to think or act differently. And there could be some risks involved.

But here’s what I’ve found over and over and over. When I have a change of perspective about things in life, it leads to growth. It makes me a better husband, father, friend, neighbor, leader, Pastor – a better person.

Change of pace + change of place = change of perspective. Go after it this Summer and see what God does.

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