Monday, August 25, 2008

Being Attractive Without Having to Look Good

Sorry the post is late. Next week school begins and I will be able to remember which day it is.

Thanks for the great response on the top three fruits of the spirit needed in your life. I can't wait to see the results. If you missed Sunday or did not turn in your blue card and want to participate in the survey, shoot me an Email with the three fruits of the spirit that you need most in your life.

This Sunday we continue the series. We will be talking about PEACE. Here's the questions: What are some things that keep you from having peace in your life? How are you different (better) when you have peace in your life than when you don't?

Fill free to comment on this past week's message. I'm not looking for compliments, I'm interested in what we are learning and especially how we are applying what we learn in the real world.


Jeremy said...

Man, Peace is my big one. I have problems trying to control everything around me. I have to conscientiously stop myself. I have to really let God handle it.

David said...


Thanks for sharing. Control is a biggie for me too. It's one that I acutually have written in to the message this week.

I LOVE control but as I allow God to mature me, giving Him control sure feels a lot better.