Proverbs 27:16-18 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so people can improve each other.”
For the last nine months I’ve lived out that verse through a coaching network with ten other pastors. Our coach is a pastor in Fredericksburg name Dee Whitten. Once a month we’ve met as a group and Dee led us in a discussion on a particular leadership issue relevant to our ministries. And once a month I’ve met individually with Dee to talk through how to apply what we talked in the large group to my personal ministry.
We had our last group meeting today and I’ll have my last individual meeting with Dee next week. I’ve learned a lot from this group of pastors and from the experience and wisdom of Dee. And I like to think that some in the group have learned from me and my experiences of leading FCBC.
I’ve always tried to surround myself with people who think differently than I do, who have different experiences than I’ve had, who read things that I’ve never thought about reading and yes, people who have different political or theological views than I have. I believe Solomon knew what he was talking about when he wrote “…people can improve each other.”
So who are you surrounding yourself with in your spiritual journey that you can learn from? And who’s growing in their faith because they’re hanging around you? By the way, you don’t have to be super-mature in your faith to influence someone else. I’m constantly challenged to grow because of the enthusiasm and passion of new believers.
If you’re not in a relationship, group or network with other believers where you are growing and learning together, then I’d encourage you to find one. Maybe it’s a small group. Maybe it’s serving with others in a ministry. Maybe it’s just being intentional about walking together in faith with your spouse, or your boyfriend or girlfriend or kids. My kids challenge my faith all the time.
The truth is you weren’t meant to walk in faith alone; none of us are. We’ve been hardwired to need others. If you can’t find a group or person, I’d love to help you do that.
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