Friday, December 31, 2010

Top 25 Memories for 2010

I'm a forward thinking person and I can't wait for the New Year to come in and bring all of the opportunities, blessings, exciting experiences and even challenges with it.  But it's important to look back from time to time.  So here's my Top 25 Memories from 2010, in rough chronological order:

#25 - Going to Annapolis, MD with Marsha to celebrate our 17th wedding anniversary.
#24 - Pastor Charles, from Nairobi, Kenya, visited our church and nation's capital.
#23 - Blizzard #1.
#22 - Radicalis Conference at Saddleback Church with our staff.
#21 - Dinner with staff at Lucille's (best BBQ in Southern CA.
#20 - Blizzard #2
#19 - Sending our team off to the DR to distribute OCC shoeboxes for the first time.
#18 - Meetings to begin forming Side By Side Ministries.
#17 - Serving the homeless of Fairfax Country through Hypothermia Relief Week.
#16 - Trip to NC to visit family.
#15 - Meeting Pastor Fidel from the DR - An amazing person doing great things with so little.
#14 - Listening to the first sermon ever preached at FCBC on adoption.  God is still doing things because of it.
#13 - Attending a wedding in Princeton for someone who I've had the pleasure of watching grow up.
#12 - Starting the process for master planning for our campus.
#11 - Staff "Play and Pray Retreat" at Lake Gaston.
#10 - All of the dinners at home we had as a family and the conversations that happened at them.
#9 - Reading all the blog posts from our Kenya Sports Camp Team.
#8 - Sending the kids back to school and being thankful for how much they are growing and how awesome they are.
#7 - Hearing Abbey pray and give her heart to Christ.
#6 - Getting to go with Andrew on his first youth trip (Middle-school Retreat.)
#5 - Joining the pastor's coaching network and getting to learn from some really great people.
#4 - Operation Christmas Child Box-packing Party.
#3 - Watching the Cowboys beat the Redskins.
#2 - Christmas Eve Service and being thankful that I was well enough to attend.
#1 - Celebrating with Marsha our 18th wedding anniversary early - dinner and a movie.

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