Sunday, September 25, 2011

What's Your Question?

We had an "all church" meeting today. The goal was to give some of our leaders a chance to share some of the things we're going to be trying or tweaking or doing differently in the next few months. The four areas we talked about were:
  1. Family Ministry
  2. Small Groups
  3. Vulnerable Children Initiative
  4. Strategic Objectives
We've uploaded the PowerPoint that we used. Click here to view it.

Our goal wasn't to answer every question that people might have about these four areas. Our goal was to paint in broad strokes and we probably generated more questions than we answered. So for those of you who were able to join us what's your question?

What questions do you have about any of these four areas or any other part of our church? If you are wondering about something chances are someone else is too.

Ask your question here, on FB or Twitter or send me an Email. We'll answer them in public forums so everyone benefits.

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