Saturday, November 6, 2010

What Right Do You Have to Be Angry?

"But the Lord replied, 'Is it right for you to be angry?'" Jonah 4:4  

That's basically the end of the book of Jonah.  Even though it's not the last verse it is the last thing communicated between God and Jonah chronologically.  And it's a great questions.

Jonah was angry that God extended grace to the people of Nineveh - Jonah's enemies.  And God asks him were he gets the right to be angry.  God was saying "Jonah, after all the chances I gave you and after all the ways I intervened in your life to show you grace, what right do you have to be angry that I extended the same grace to the people of Nineveh?"

If I were to summarize the entire book of Jonah, here's how I would do it:

  • God loves you too much to leave you alone.  No matter how far or how long you run from his call on your life, he never stops pursuing you and he never stops intervening.
  • God loves your enemies as much as he loves you.   The uniqueness of God’s love is not that he loves a particular group, it’s that his love is not based on our performance.  And that he loves everyone.
  • God will sometimes call you to be an instrument of grace in the life of the "enemy" you're struggling with. 

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