Tuesday, May 25, 2010

New Dream

If I'm honest, I don't like the first couple of phases of a God-given dream. In fact, if I'm really honest, I hate them. The phases are: Dream, Decision, Delay, Difficulties, Dead-in, and Deliverance.

I can handle the difficulties, delays and the dead-ins. In fact there's a weird part of me that enjoys those phases in some ways. Given my personality and strengths, that's when I tend to shine.

But I'm not a risk taker. I like things mapped out. I don't mind challenges, but I like to see them coming so I can hit them head-on. So the second phase of a dream, Decision, is the hardest for me to move through.

For the last few months I've had this sense that God is preparing a new dream in my life. I have NO IDEA what that is, where it will take me, or what the risks will be. And that more than makes me nervous, it actually scares me.

It scares me because I know once I have the vision I will have to make the decision to go after it. And making the decision is that point where you feel like you're suspended in mid-air, 100 feet above the ground, with no net below, holding on to a rope with all your might. Not my idea of fun.

But more than anything else in the world I want to be where God wants me to be. So that means saying yes even when it's scary. Even when it's uncomfortable. Even when everything inside me says "don't do it." Even when I don't know what I'm saying yes to.

Because it's not about WHAT I'm saying yes to, it's about WHO I'm saying yes to.

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