We have a new arrival on the way in two weeks. He's a 6 week old Australian Shepherd (Aussie.) We have not decided on a name yet but so far Andrew is leaning toward Indy.
One of our hopes is that it will be somewhat theraputic for Andrew. Andrew has ADD so self-esteem and self-confidence is always a concern for us with him. He will be going through the obiedence training with the puppy and maybe even doing some obiedence competition.

Just asked you on FB what breed the dog is then saw this. The girls and I were JUST looking at an Aussie - we were looking at a special needs one though - it was deaf. Decided not to do it but loved how cute and beautiful the breed was. They seem to be really well behaved dogs as well. I hope this is really beneficial for Andrew - I'm all for having pets to teach our children's all kinds of life lessons. Responsibilty, self-lessness, self-esteem, etc. How cool that Andrew will do obedience with him!
so cute.
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