For example, my son has a friend who had to have a number of surgeries when she was very young. On several occasions, when I was going into to DC to visit her and her parents at the hospital, I took Andrew with me. I wanted to let him see what serving others looked like and give him an opportunity to do it himself.
Yesterday we had a parent/teacher conference with Abbey's Kindergarten teacher. She said Abbey is doing great, excelling in some areas and right on track in others. That was great to hear, but what really thrilled my soul was when she described, without really knowing it, how Abbey was serving a couple of her classmates on a daily basis.
Two of the boys in her class have learning disabilities. One of them has Down syndrome. Abbey seems to have a God given sensitivity when it comes to kids her age who need special attention. The thing that really almost brought tears to my eyes was when her teacher said that Abbey was so helpful with the boys that she actually moved them so that they are sitting next to Abbey in class. She said Abbey had a great way of gently helping them stay on track without calling attention them.
I love watching my kids grow and seeing their spiritual formation develop right before my eyes. Can't wait to see what God has in store for them.