I have not blogged for a while. I've been travelling and have not had a regular Internet connection. My mom had surgery last week for breast cancer so I've been in NC with my family.
One of the things I teach and preach is that God can use us to serve His purposes no matter where we are or what we are going through. I am always looking for great examples of people living this out in their lives.
My mom gave me such an example this past week. The week before, when she found out she had breast cancer, a neighbor, who is new to their area and has no family, had to be hospitalized. My mom drove her to the hospital and stayed with her until she got settled. As mom was going back and forth to the hospital for her own tests each day, she would always stop and check on this woman who had no family and friends around.
The night before mom's surgery, a lot of her friends were calling to check on her. I passed through the kitchen and mom was on the phone. I assumed it was another friend calling to check on her. Then I noticed she was writing a note. It turns out she was taking a prayer request through her church's prayer chain. She hung up the phone and called the next person on the list to share the prayer need.
It just amazed me that here was someone going through a vary serious and scary time in their life and they were still serving God by serving others.