Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Free Speech and Followers of Christ

Last week in the Northern Virginia area there was a lot of press attention given to the Westboro Baptist Church.  They had several protests scheduled in the area, including a local public high school.  It ended up not being the story the press was expecting.  Five people from WBC showed up to the protest and were met with over 200 counter-protestors.

According the Westboro's website, they have conducted 44,517 protests and demonstrations since June, 1991, many aimed at homosexual parades and gay-themed events, and at more than 400 military funerals for US soldiers, whom Westboro's site says, "God has killed in Iraq/Afghanistan in righteous judgment against an evil nation."

WBC has a right to protest and express their views like all of us do.  They have a right to be angry and express their anger with mean spirited signs and protests.  They have a right to be bad parents and bring their kids to the protest.  But when a follower of Christ, whether as an individual or as a church, claims to be doing the work of God there is a very high standard that has to be met.

The standard that has to be met is simple - love.  "Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children.  Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God." Ephesians 5:1-2 (NLT)

Once we claim to be a follower of Christ we are not longer just exercising a right, we are representing Christ.  Whether it's in a conversation at work, a post on FaceBook, a protest or counter-protest, or something we write in a blog - once we claim to be a Christ follower we are representing him and there's a high standard to be met.

Scripture tells us over and over, in many different ways, that we are called to speak the truth.  But the standard of scripture is love; that everything we do and say should flow out of love for the person we are saying it to.  Sometimes, when we apply that standard, it will mean we want be able to say anything at all.

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