Friday, May 14, 2010

Did Jesus Laugh?

Did Jesus laugh? The obvious answer is yes. He was human and humans laugh. But I don't think we think of Jesus as laughing very much. I think he probably laughed and smiled a lot. I mean He was on the greatest mission ever in the history of the universe; He had a lot to smile about.

Yesterday I was working on the teaching for Sunday. I'm teaching from Mark and in the passage Jesus says "It's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter heaven." We don't get it, but that's funny.

If you think about what Jesus was saying to his followers it's funny. The largest animal in Palestine trying to squeeze through the eye of a needle. I think Jesus chuckled as he told that one. I think his disciples laughed when they got a mental image of it.

I think sometimes we take ourselves way to seriously. I think we need to be more like Christ. Part of that means slowing down enough to enjoy life. Having fun. And laughing at the funny parts of life.

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